The total straight line flight distance from Providence, RI to Paris, TX is 1,431 miles This is equivalent to 2 303 kilometers or 1,243 nautical miles Your trip begins in Providence, Rhode Island It ends in Paris, Texas Your flight direction from Providence, RI to Paris, TX is West (105 degrees from North)3 hours, 22 minutes This is estimated based on the Paris, TX to NorthTornado activity Parisarea historical tornado activity is above Texas state averageIt is 108% greater than the overall US average On 4/2/19, a category F4 (max wind speeds 7260 mph) tornado 48 miles away from the Paris city center killed 10 people and injured 170 people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages On , a category F4 River Island Paris Texas White Size 8 Short Sleeved Tie Neck Blouse Top 4 4 99 Picclick Uk River island black ri paris texas